Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) PLC’s

Picture 006Multipulse was engaged to develop and deliver a solution for controlling HVAC systems across a fleet of trains due for a major overhaul by a UK HVAC manufacturer.

The team worked closely with our customer and Australian partner, Australia OEM, to provide a cost-effective controller with a custom piece of software enabling remote monitorin
g of a tailored set of parameters to both the supplier and maintenance staff. We took a modular approach to ensure that the controller collected all required digital and analogue signals at the correct voltages, as well as not over-engineering a costly solution.

By giving our customers access to real-time operating data we support them to increase their product or system effectiveness, leading to an improved bottom line.

Latest News 03.11.2015

New GSM-R kits for Class 56 refurbishments

GB Railfreight’s acquisition of 16 Class 56 locom . . READ MORE

Planning in progress for next major GSM-R upgrade

Trains in the London area will be the first to ge . . READ MORE

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